
Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 9, 2011

GunStacker Strategies and First Update

Serious Sam Double D is out now on PC! To help you blaze a trail through the enemy hoards this weekend here are some:

GunStacker Strategies

Don't Blow Your Stack
Put your Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers in their own stack. Once you get comfortable with things, you can start intermingly them with Tommy guns and Shotguns. But early on, keep explosives separate. Then you can quickly switch to your big, BIG guns for distant bosses or giant dinosaurs.

Playing With Fire
The flamethrower has a special ability of stopping all enemy bullets. If you're having trouble in a level with lots of missiles or Biomechanoid lasers or rockets, add a few flamethrowers to your stack. It sucks down fuel fast, but it can stop enemy shots before they reach you.

Order Up
Placement in your bigger stacks (especially 5-6 high) can make a difference when wading into a seething mass of gnashing teeth. Putting a shotgun on the bottom, Tommy guns or laser guns in the middle and another shotgun on top can give it more spread to also handle Chimputees in the air.

Trigger Happy
The Chainsaw and Machine Pistol (your first gun) have infinite ammo. Better yet, the Machine Pistol can fire as fast as you can click the trigger. Putting these two together in a stack can be a "go to" close range stack to save ammo and handle up-close trouble.

Fit and Trim
If you aren't using a gun, put it down in your Inventory rather than having it clutter up your Quick Select. This way in the heat of a giant battle you don't accidentally swap to a single shotgun and get your face ripped off. Then when you find more connectors, bring it out of the inventory and put it to use!
That said--it's good to keep around a single shotgun sometimes to swap back and forth when taking out single enemies, then fighting big crowds.

The Vuvu loves you.

Game Update 1
 A new update is available now for the game. Steam will automatically download this. The following is the changelist for all bugs and issues addressed:
  1. "Russian crash" fixed! There was an issue with the Cyrillic alphabet causing a crash on start-up. This is handled properly now. 
  2. Jump-pad wall glitch fixed.
  3. Cursor is now locked to the screen in Windowed/Multi-monitor mode.
  4. Video Resolution Menu now has an "Apply Resolution" button. While swapping through resolutions, they won't be applied till you hit this button. 
  5. 4th Tommy gun was missing from Dark Harvest. Added back.
  6. New "No Blood" option to completely remove blood if desired. (Crazy!)
  7. Backgrounds touched up for higher resolutions. (Won't show purple edges.)
  8. Translations fixed for guns in gunstacker mens.
  9. Golden guns explanations in stats was broken when you beat the game. Now retains proper setting.
  10. Vuvuzelators get stuck in walls less. 
  11. Player stats have been rephrased before you beat the game to make more sense. 
  12. Ammo changing per levels is retained properly now.
  13. Secrets buttons in menu sometimes overlayed the level name (adjusted).

That's it for the first update. We will continue to tweak the game and add improvements in the future.
Good luck and Enjoy Stackin'!

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